
As part of fulfilling our mission to support hydropower research, the Hydropower Foundation has supported 73 graduate students in performing hydro-related research as part of their graduate studies.
Upon completing their studies, a majority of these students have accepted positions of employment within the hydro community, including jobs in government agencies (including national laboratories, regulatory and government power producers), power producing companies, equipment suppliers, and engineering consultancies.
The Hydropower Foundation continues to support research in hydropower through its Hydro Think Tank™ Program working together with the industry to examine challenges specific to a utility and/or region.


Civil and Environmental

Research: Effect of Substrate Roughness, Slope, and Body Size on Climbing Behavior and Performance of Juvenile American Eels (Anguilla rastrata)
Fellow: Zahra Anwar
University: University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Research: Development and Operation of the Flow Measurement Accuracy Assessment Tool
Fellow: Mark Christian
University: University of Tennessee- Knoxville

Research: A Methodology to Assess the Value of Integrated Hydropower and Wind Generation
Fellow: Mitch Clement
University: The University of Colorado – Boulder
Research: Monitoring Streambed Scour/Deposition Using Non-Sinusoidal Water Temperature Signals and During Flood Events
Timothy DeWeese
University: University of Idaho

Research: The Economic Feasibility of Pumped Storage Hydropower
Fellow: Lisa Dilley
University: Washington State University

Research: Integrated Water and Energy Systems Analysis Tool Development
Fellow: André Dozier
University: Colorado State University
An Integrated Water and Power Modeling Package
Research: Managing Hydrologic Financial Risk in Hydropower Production with Index Insurance Contracts
Fellow: Ben Foster
University: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Research: Freshwater Mussle Landscape Genomics: Physical not Genetic Isolation in River Networks
Fellow: Matthew Fuller
University: Duke University
Research: Development of Ensemble-based probabilistic flood maps for Probable Maximum Flood
Fellow:  Sudershan Gangrade 
University: University of Tennessee
Research: Rock Scour Evaluation Using Block Theory and the Critical Key Block Concept
Fellow: Michael George
University: University of California Berkeley
Research: Euler-Euler Large Eddy Simulation of Two-Phase Dilute Bubbly Flows With Mass Transfer Across Phases
Fellow: Mohammad Haji Mohammadi Sani Abadi
University: University of Minnesota

Research: Coordinated Predictive Control of a Hydropower Cascade
Fellow: Andrew Hamann
University: Carnegie Mellon University
Research: Image Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling to Simulate Fluid Flow Around a Moving Fish
Fellow: Justin Hannon
University: University of Iowa
Research: Decision Trees for Incorporating the Likelihood of Excessive Hydrologic Alteration into Hydropower-Ecosystem Tradeoffs
Fellow: Jory Hecht
University: Tufts University
Research: Restoring Flow Regimes after Dam Construction and Operation: Evidence from Dynamic Systems Theory
Fellow: Michelle Hummel
University: University of California- Berkeley
Research: Influence of Deregulated Electricity Markets on Hydropower Generation and Downstream Flow Regime
Fellow: Jordan Kern
University: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Research: The Effects of Climate Change on the Water Resources and Hydropower Production Capacity of the Upper Colorado River
Fellow: Marina Kopytkovskiy
University: Colorado School of Mines
Research: Real-time Forecasting and Hydropower Optimization
Fellow: Jonathon Lamontagne
University: Cornell University
Research: Differing Contributions of Heavily and Moderately Glaciated Basins to Water Resources of the Eklutna Basin, Alaska
Fellow: Ann Marie Larquier
University: Alaska Pacific University
Research: Climate Change Impacts on Columbia River Stream Flow and Hydropower Production
Fellow: Matthew McDonald
University: Washington State University
Research: Financial Risk from Changing Lake Levels for Hydropower Producers on the Great Lakes
Fellow: Eliot Meyer
University: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Research: Study of Mass Transfer across Hydrofoils for Use in Aerating Turbines
Fellow: Garrett Monson
University: University of Minnesota
Research: Managing Complex Water Resource Systems for Ecological Integrity: Evaluating Tradeoffs and Uncertainty
Fellow: Ryan Morrison
University: University of New Mexico
Research:  An Analysis of Partial-Depth, Floating, Impermeable Guidance Structures for Downstream Fish Passage at Hydroelectric Facilities 
Fellow: Kevin Mulligan
University: University of Massachusetts-Amherst 
Research:  Internal Erosion Monitored by Spatial-Temporal Pore Pressure Changes During Full-Scale Field Experiments
Fellow: Minal Parekh
University: Colorado School of Mines
Research: High Resolution Measurements of the Mean Three-Dimensional Flow Field in a Natural River
Fellow: John Petrie
University: Virginia Tech
Research: Modeling Fish Passage and Energetic Expenditure for American Shad in a Steeppass Fishway using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model
Fellow: Kathryn Plymesser
University: Montana State University
Research: Evaluation of Bar Rack Designs to Allow for the Downstream Passage of Silver American Eels at Hydropower Facilities
Fellow: Tresha Melong Price
University: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Research: Quantification of Uncertainties in Snow Accumulation, Snowmelt, and Snow Disappearance dates
Fellow: Mark Raleigh
University: University of Washington
Research: Determination of Optimal Operating Schemes for a Multi-Reservoir System Under Environmental Constraints
Fellow: Amelia Shaw
University: Vanderbilt University
Research: An Investigation into the Turbulence Parameter Responsible for the Onset of Grain Motion
Fellow: Heidi Smith
University: University of Idaho
Research: A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach to Balancing Wind Intermittency with Hydropower
Fellow: Sue Nee Tan
University: Cornell University
Research: Development of a Numerical Tool to Predict Hydrodynamics, Temperature and TDG in Hydropower Flows
Fellow: Yushi Wang
University: University of Iowa
Research: Mapping Lake Sturgeon Acipenser Fluvescens Spawning habitat in the Upper Tennessee River Using Side Scan Sonar
Fellow: Daniel Walker
University: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Research: Erosion of Cohesive Sediment Due to Hydropower Releases
Fellow: Katherine Weidner
University: Virginia Tech
Research: Analytical and Numerical Investigation of an Air Entraining Hydraulic Jump
Fellow: Adam Witt
University: University of Minnesota


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Research: Methodology to Reduce the Strain on Hydro Turbines Using Advanced Life Extending Control of Multiple Energy Storage Systems
Fellow: Sean Brosig
University: Oregon State University
Research: Experimentation of Synchronous and Variable Speed Small Scale Hydropower Systems
Fellow: Elliott Jackson
University: Oregon State University
Research: Stochastic Energy Scheduling
Fellow: Adam Greenhall
University: University of Washington
Research: Modeling and Analysis of a Small Hydropower Plant and Battery Energy Storage System Connected as a Microgrid
Fellow: Kelly Kozdras
University: University of Washington
Research: An Advanced Study of Wind Power Variability on the Federal Columbia River Power System
Fellow: Kelcy Lajoie
University: Oregon State University
Research: Water Start Up Time Model Validation Test
Fellow: Daniel Lee
University: Oregon Institute of Technology
Research –  Forecasting Tools for Run-of-River Hydroelectric Systems
Fellow: Nam Song
University: University of Washington
Research: Development and Experimental Hardware Validation of Novel Variable Speed Hydropower Control Schemes for Emerging Applications and Water Resource Paradigms
Fellow: Michael Starrett
University: Oregon State University
Research: Understanding Operational Flexibility in the Federal Columbia River Power System
Fellow: Karen Studarus
University: University of Washington
Research: Energy Storage & International Development

Research: Modeling Smart Microgrids for the Developing World with Probabilistic Supply and Demand Inputs
Fellow: Jesse Thornburg
University: Carnegie Mellon University

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Research: Pumped Hydroelectric storage balances a solar microgrid
Fellow: Kevin Kircher
University: Cornell

Research: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing: A Case Study of the Yuba River Development Project
Fellow: Joseph Rand
University: University of California, Berkeley

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Research: Water Governance Process Assessment: Evaluating the Link between Decision Making Processes and Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin
Fellow: Kimberly Ogren
University: Oregon State University

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Research: Reconstruction of sediment supply and transport behind the Elwha River dams
Fellow: Claire Beveridge
University: University of Washington


Research: Determining the Tributary Sediment Contribution to the Experimental Flood Deposits on the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Fellow: Katherine Chapman
University: Northern Arizona University


Research: Detecting lnternal Erosion in Earthen Dams

Fellow: Joy Foley
University: Colorado School of Mines  
Research: Investigation of flow and sediment transport over RoR dams, and potential effects on upstream and downstream geomorphology, sedimentation, and aquatic habitat.
Robert Queen
University: Colorado State University
Research: Maximizing the habitat restoration potential of controlled releases at hydropower dams; Understanding impacts of hydrograph form on sediment transport
Fellow: Megan Kenworthy
University: University of Idaho

Research: A Stratigraphic Approach to Characterize the Deposition and Storage of Organic Matter in Reservoir Sediments
Fellow: Laurel Stratton
University: Oregon State University


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Research: Water Governance Process Assessment: Evaluating the Link between Decision Making Processes and Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin
Fellow: Kimberly Ogren
University: Oregon State University

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Research: Iron Bulk Amorphous Alloy Coating for Wear Damage of Turbine Surfaces
Fellow: Stanley Dittrick
University: Washington State University
Research: Direct Laser Deposition of Porous Structures and Gradient Metal-Ceramic Composite Coatings
Fellow: Thomas Gualtieri
University: Washington State University
Research: Hydrophobicity of Rare-earth Oxide Ceramics and their Application in Promoting Sustained Dropwise Condensation and Corrosion and Fouling Mitigation in Hydropower Systems
Fellow: Sami Khan
University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research: Surface-Reconditioning Additives Based on Solid Inorganic Nanoparticles for Environment-Friendly Industrial Lubricating Compositions
Fellow: Pavlo Rudenko
University: Washington State University
Research: Design and Manufacturing Study of Hydroelectric Turbines Using Recycled and Natural Fiber Composites
Fellow: Marc Whitehead
University: Oregon State University

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