Student Appraisal Form

Midwest Hydro Users Group (MHUG) is a non-profit volunteer organization comprised of dam owners, hydroelectric plant operators, developers, consultants, contractors, and suppliers. Our mission is to promote safe, reliable, economical, and environmentally responsible hydropower in the Midwest by providing members with opportunities to learn, share information, and network with others in the industry. 

This form is to be completed by the appraiser (reference).

Please complete all fields.

Step 1 of 2

To the Reference:

You have been asked to provide information in support of this application. Please consider the following statements and provide your appraisal quickly. The appraisal is due by February 28, 2025.

Power up & Join the Waterpower Club!

We are the Waterpower Club - Waterpower Community Partnership (WC2), founded to help students connect to opportunities in the waterpower sector.