Supporting Responsible, Resilient, Clean Renewable Energy

Through Education, Research,
and Workforce Development

Join our mailing list for Hydropower Foundation scholarships, career programs, activities and other opportunities!

Who We Are

We believe that a supply of clean affordable, and responsible energy from “the power of water” supports the nation’s effort to reduce carbon while promoting resiliency.

We are a non-profit dedicated to meeting the challenge of climate change by preparing the next generation waterpower professional; conducting research and supporting the transition to a clean energy economy.

Student Competitions + Events

upcoming Member events

Hydropower Opportunities

Ensure a clean energy future. Please support Hydropower research, education, and workforce development.

Power up & Join the Waterpower Club!

Get ready to make waves in a community that‘s shaping our carbon-free future and discover what it means to tackle some of the most thrilling challenges in renewable energy.

Thank you to Our corporate supporters + Partners

president's circle

Director's circle

Ambassador's circle

Power up & Join the Waterpower Club!

We are the Waterpower Club - Waterpower Community Partnership (WC2), founded to help students connect to opportunities in the waterpower sector.